(8) What is Algorithm ?
] It refers to the logic of a program., it is a step description of how to arrive at a solution to a given problem. It defined as a sequence of instruction that when executed in the desired result are obtained . it is called “ algorithm”. The world algorithm comes from the name of a persion author “ abu jafer mohammed ibn musa al khwarizmi” this word has been specified significance in computer science where “ algorithm” has come to refer a method can be used by a computer of a problem.Feature of algorithm:-
How to write an algorithm:-
Q :- adding any two no.
~ Start .
~ Print” enter any two no”
~ Input a,b
~ S= a+b
~Print” the sum of two no is”,s.
Start :-
It shown the starting point of algorithm.
Print :-
Using this we can display (print) any user defined
message as per requirement. The message must be enclosed in
double quote.
We can also print (display) the value present in a
As print “the sum of two variable is” , s.
Print “the sum of two no”, print s.
Input :- It is a keyword which is used to define the all variable
which store the value required for our algorithm to perform task.
Example :-
Input a , b
A&b are two variable which any two value.
End :-
It is a keyword, which store the ending your algorithm.
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