Saturday, August 3, 2019

What is Number,Integer,Float,Character,String,Boolean?

(11)What is Number , Integer , Float , Character , String , Boolean?


Number is a symbol and mathematical object used for measuring weighting and counting at a time.
 It is two type integer.          Integer             Float 
Integer :-

It is collection of digit through 0to9. it is used in count
 It occupied 2 byte in memory for storage. 
                                             The range of integer is -32768 to 32767. 
Example:- -2, 5,125, 256.

     Float :- 

*It is a value which must have a decimal point. 
                   * It is used in measuring of length weight or calculation of arithmetical operation which may have a decimal point. 
                                                *It occupied 4 byte for storage in memory. 
                                                 * Its range may be 3.4 e-38 to 3.4 e 38 depends on system configuration . ( 16 bit or 32 bit processor). 
Example :- 4.5,3.2,4.00 etc are the example of float value
 0.0064 => 6.4*10-3 
Float value=> 6.4*e-3 


 It is a single character ( digit , alphabet, special character). 
 It must be enclosed in single quote.
 It occupied 1 byte for storage in memory. 
 Example ‘a’ , ‘2’ , etc. 

String :-

 It is a collection of character (digit alphabet & special character). 
 It must be enclosed in double quote.
 More than one character is called “string”. 
 Example :- “shailesh” “ neha”


 It is a constant which have two value. 
 It may be either true (1) and false(0). 
 It generally used in condition statement, where are make a decision according to instruction provide by user.
 Example :- X=10 Y 12 If (x>y)-> false.  

Flow chart:- 

 It is a pictorial representation of an algorithm. 
Ex :- adding two number.

 Print “ enter two number”.
 Input a,b. 
 Sum= a+b.
 Printf “ sum of two number”. 


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