Thursday, July 18, 2019



When we  look  at  the  layers we  might place  in  our  defense in  depth  strategy, we  will  likely  find  that  they  vary  given  the  particular situation  and  environment we  are  defending. As we  discussed, from   a strictly logical  information security perspective, we would want  to look at  the  external network , network perimeter, internal network host,  application, and  data  layers as areas  to  place our  defenses. We could add  complexity to  our  defensive model by including other vital  layers such  as physical  defenses, policies, user  awareness and  training,  and  a multitude of others, but  we will stay with  a simpler example for  the time  being

As we can see in Figure 2 below, some of the defenses we might use for each of the layers we discussed are listed.  In some cases, we see a defensive measure listed in multiple layers, as it applies in more than one area.  A good example of this is penetration testing.   Penetration testing is  a method of  finding gaps  in  our Defenses in Each Layer  security by using some of the same methods an attacker would use in order to break in  and is a tactic we might  want to use at all layers of our defense.  As we move through the course, we will discuss each of these areas in greater detail, and the specific defenses we might want to use for each

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