Monday, July 22, 2019


  • Input unit.
  • C p u.
  • Output unit.
  •  Input unit ex- keyboard, mouse, and scanner.
        Output unit ex- pointer, plotter, and i.e.
  • INPUT- it is use for accepting the data .the data are interred into the computer system. we the helps of this unit.
  • C P U- it is use to process the data .the entered data is process by c p u.
  • OUTPUT UNIT- it gives the specific result for information.
  • DATA- data are row fact. The arranged facts and figure the instruction given to the computer for desire result.
  • INFORMATION- retrieve the data, process data result given by the computer after processing manipulates data information is summerization of data.
  • Meaningful.
  • Surprise element.
  • Accuracy.
  • Time line (to take timely action).
  • Conformity with previous knowledge
  • INFORMATION ECONOMY- if the user with machine wants maximum number of output with the minimum number of input .it is called information economy.
  • The preparation o0f formal in information is not free in the computer. It expresses money, labour, time and other is source.
  • INFORMATION SOCIETYthe information society can be simply defined the instruction man and machine which under information for the number of human grouping it called information society.The object of information society
  • Used to be given useful and meaningful information for the society.

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